








Products>>Project Development>>Study on the influence of volume  fracturing boundary and seepage characteristics of dense reservoir

At present, the exploration targets and key research objects of the oilfield are mainly dense reservoirs. For such reservoirs, it is often necessary to carry out reservoir reconstruction, well pattern infilling and other measures through multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in long horizontal wells to improve oil and gas production and realize efficient and economic development. However, multi-stage fracturing of horizontal wells is a world-class problem and a technical bottleneck restricting the application of horizontal wells in low-permeability reservoirs. The key technologies are: studying horizontal well reservoir engineering to solve the problem of horizontal well layout; Study the in-situ stress field to solve the problems of hydraulic fracture initiation and shape; Study the optimal design of staged fracturing in horizontal section to solve the problem of multi-stage fracture setting; Study the staged fracturing technology and tools to solve the implementation problem of staged fracturing in horizontal wells; Crack monitoring is studied to solve the problem of multi-stage crack evaluation.

Establishment and solution of mathematical model for large-scale volume fracturing

Influence of seepage law in volume fracturing zone and undisturbed formation of horizontal well on well test model

Study on dense non-Darcy seepage: The influence of start-up pressure gradient on flow is analyzed

Study on the method of determining formation parameters by data  inversion and analysis of influencing factors

The mathematical model of injection and production seepage resistance and the formula of pressure-distance under different liquid volume are studied,  and the characteristic curve is analyzed

Productivity analysis and prediction calculation model and productivity curve using unstable well test data

The project has made a breakthrough in the research of tight multi-stage fracturing horizontal well test technology, and proposed a tight well test analysis method, which provides a technical guarantee for well test evaluation in the process of shale oil volume fracturing development. The effective combination of model establishment, model solution and production application is realized. The interpretation provides parameters such as formation permeability, well storage constant, skin coefficient, fracture half-length and start-up pressure. The field application effect is good.