
辰工油气井节点分析软件主要围绕每口井的地层渗流-井筒管流及油气嘴节流以及产能预测,提供从地下-节流阀-地面的一体化生产制度优化。针对常规油气藏、页岩气藏、致密气藏等地质特征和储层特点,找出制约油气井生产的因素,优化生产工艺方式及采收率,对于油气井的产能预测和优化生产工作制度,具有重要的指导意义 …… >>   详情
根据地层油气水实际情况进行油气水高压物性参数(PVT)计算、基于闪蒸的流体相态计算、井底压力计算、井筒压力及温度计算、产能试井 …… >>  详情
Chengong oil and gas nodal analysis software mainly focuses on the formation seepage flow of each well, the pipe flow of wellbore and the throttling of oil and gas nozzle and the prediction of production capacity, and provides the optimization of integrated production system from underground, throttle valve and surface... >> Details
According to the actual situation of formation oil and gas water, the high pressure physical parameters of oil, gas and water (PVT) calculation, the fluid phase state calculation based on flashing, bottom hole pressure calculation, wellbore pressure and temperature calculation, productivity well testing and prediction, etc. are proceed... >> Details