





图1 压力折算软件界面 图2 凝析气井的压力及导数拟合图

Products>>Products on Sale>>Chengong Well Testing Software  Series>>Analysis of Condensate Gas Well  Testing

The condensate gas well testing analysis software is used to simulate the phase state characteristics and fluid properties of oil and gas reservoirs, and to form complete pseudo-pressure and pressure conversion data when determining the characteristics of oil and gas reservoirs and the change of fluid components. Considering the existence of gas phase and liquid phase of condensate gas in formation, the software uses mass flow instead of volume flow in oil and gas well testing. If no oil and gas two phase permeability curve is inputted, the software automatically uses the phase permeability curve of Corey formula to deal with condensate gas reservoir.

The software defines pseudo-pressure to describe condensate gas. Condensate gas is a very complex system, compared to ordinary gas, condensate gas has dew point, critical point and bubble point (while ordinary gas only has critical point and oil /gas two phase only has bubble point), pure gas only exists when temperature, pressure are higher than dew point condition, inside the semi-closed area constructed by dew point and critical point, the gas-liquid two phases exist, and the problem of gas and liquid dissolution will occur near the bubble point. But no matter how complex, the mass is conserved, that is, the mass flow remains the same.

For condensate gas wells, as in gas wells, it is necessary to determine "known gas components" or "unknown gas components". In the "unknown gas components", a special condensate gas formula is used to calculate the critical temperature and critical pressure. At the same time, the pressure conversion of condensate gas is very complex, so we provide a special condensate gas pressure conversion software.

To condensation gas, In addition to the different definition of pseudo pressure to gas well, the condensation time, degree of condensation and influence factor are took into  consider, while the seepage equation, well type and boundary condition and so on are the same as that of ordinary well testing.

Figure1: Pressure conversion software interface Figure2: Pressure and derivative simulation chart of condensate gas wells